Friday, December 4, 2009

Catching up

I have lots of catching up to do. I apologize in advance if there are typos in this post... my fingers are frozen and I can't feel them... it's feeling like Christmas now... thank God. No more heat!

Ok, so the past couple of weeks, I have had the absolute pleasure of spending time with some of the Ogle family members. Kathe was out for 2 weeks and Tim came for almost as long. Ryan and his beagle Darwin came into town for Thanksgiving, so I got to hang out with them, too. I don't even know where to start.

Tim and Kathe took me under their wings for Thanksgiving. They knew it was tough for me to not be home with my family. Really tough. But they took SUCH good care of me. Kathe even made me a loaf of pumpkin bread to take home... and not to share with Drew either since he ate pretty much the entire loaf my mom made for me! Rude!

For Thanksgiving, Kathe's side of the fambam did Thanksgiving in a park. It was actually pretty cool. I got to meet a lot more family members and we brought Darwin and Leroi... the Beagle Buddies! They had a blast together. Leroi was pooped out for about 3 days! It was great! :)

Kathe made some delicious peach kougl (sp?) and pumpkin pie and pecan pie and pumpkin bread. Oh dear me. It was fantastic. I tried to avoid the desserts as much as I could, but with Kathe's cooking... it's impossible.

After Thanksgiving in the park, we attempted to see The Blind Side but arrived a tad late, so instead, we hit up the neighborhood bar for some beer and really delicious hot wings. By the way, did you know Stella Artois is 5.2% alcohol or something... yeah, found that out the hard way. After the bar, we went home and I got to try out the breathalizer... just for fun. I won't reveal my level of intoxication, but like I said... I found out about Stella the hard way. Best time ever! It was definitely a fun Thanksgiving and I cannot express how appreciative I am that the Ogles took me in. Love them!

Ok, so Leroi and Darwin... the Beagle Buddies... cousins... Beagle Boys... so damn adorable together. It took some time for them to warm up with each other, but soon enough we had Beagle Tug-of-War going. They kept going after each other's toys and playing around and wrestling. They were so good. Darwin showed Leroi how a Beagle bark sounds, too... although I'm hoping Leroi doesn't pick up on it. Oh dear.

On another date night, we went and saw The Blind Side... amazing. I loved that movie! So inspiring! And I cried... and I think Kathe and Drew did too. Drew has recently told me that he's going to buy the DVD when it comes out because he LOVES it. So cute. Before seeing the movie, we all went to Salty Senoritas. Good Messican food, let me tell ya. I had an awesome tostada salad. Mmmm sooo good.

Anyway, I had such a wonderful time with the Ogles. Ryan and Darwin were a blast. I definitely miss Matt and Michelle, but hopefully I'll see them sooner than later. And I already miss Tim and Kathe, that's a given!

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