Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lubricating Machinery: Grade A

As most know, I'm not the best student in the entire world. Not like the two sisters in Irvine who achieved PERFECT scores on the SAT. But, I am good at doing homework. I do it whether it's at the last minute or whether I complete it in 5 minutes or whether I decide to get a head start and do it way before it's even due (this happens rarely). I was recently assigned to write a memo for my TWC 301 class... General Principles of Technical Communication. We were given a scenario and had to act as a manager who needed to solve a problem within the company's shipping warehouse. And just for shits and giggles, it involved the problem of properly applying water-based lubricant to the machinery. Awkward.

Anyway, I wrote this freakin' memo in literally 5 minutes. I submitted it through Safe Assignment on Blackboard (anti-plagiarism software) and called it a night. By the way, why would you need anti-plagiarism software for a document that talks about lubrication and machinery? I mean, it just seems wrong.

Yesterday I received an email from my professor for TWC 301. He praised me for doing a very good job on the assignment and asked if he can use my assignment as an example for future students in the course. I, enjoying the practice of being a kissass replied "I would be honored if you used my Case Study as an example. Thank you for the compliment!"

At least someone thinks I know how to write well enough to "seriously" talk about lubricating machinery.

1 comment:

  1. This is wackey crazy stuff.....I want it.....Fred
