Monday, April 19, 2010

Need an update... graduation is near.

School is definitely down to the nitty-gritty right now, thanks to the end of semester rush in every class. However, I must say, I am extremely excited that the end of the semester is here. For obvious reasons. Graduation is sooooo close. Granted, I'm not completely done with school and only walking. But still. OMG. My family is gonna be here soon. I cannot wait. I sent out the invitations, as my family should have already received them. I also made a tentative itinerary that was included with them. And, I made Andrew's grad announcements as well. My man is graduating in May with his Master's Degree!! Sooo crazy! Especially when you think about how it took me 6 years to get ONE degree and he did TWO degrees in the same amount of time. He's so smart. :) Weston is graduating, too (Lyssa's BF). It's a crazy exciting time and I just can't wait to celebrate.

However, on the downside, it's HOT. I HATE ARIZONA SUMMERS. It was 94 degrees yesterday. 94!! Seriously? It's April. APRIL. I hope it's not scalding hot in May for graduation. Especially because I want to have a good time and be happy and in hot weather, I'm not so happy. I'm quite hostile, actually. Ugh. Oh well. Hopefully I won't have to deal with AZ summer for too much longer.

Andrew has been applying for jobs NONSTOP. I think he applied to four job postings alone today. He's been working his tooshie off for the past couple of months trying to find something. Basically, this is my shout out to him to let him know that I'm proud of him and confident that something will come along.

I am going to be getting a hair cut soon. My friend, Becca, inspired me to do so. She just got her hair cut and colored and it looks so cute. Plus, it's summer time. It's time to get my hair thinned out because, as I'm sure you know, I have thick hair. Ugh.

In other news, Leroi is such a booger. A cute, lovable, snuggle-up, playful kind of booger. We can tell that he's maturing which is awesome. Even if he's only 8 months old.

Oh, aaaannnnnnddd, I'm going to Indiana. Yeeeeee!! For a whole week!! With Drew, obvi. Tim sent us an email yesterday confirming our Indy 500 tickets and we have some baller seats in turn 4!! It's gonna be SOOOO awesome! I can't wait to see the race and the drivers. Drew and I have been keeping up to speed with the races lately. Long Beach Grand Prix was just yesterday. Everyone is looking pretty good. Team Penske is racing strong as always and Andretti Auto Sport just came in with a big win yesterday with Ryan Hunter Reay taking first. Andretti hasn't won for the past two years, so I'm sure they're celebrating. Marco Andretti has been racing strong this year, even though I don't really "like" him, he's looking pretty good on the track. Danica is disappointing. Her Nascar racing seemingly screwed her Indy racing over. She shouldn't have gone to Nascar to begin with. I think she should master Indy first, then dabble in Nascar if she wants to. I feel like racing is more about the money for her now, instead of for the love of it. Tony Kanaan... he's still one of my faves. I just love him. Helio, obvi I'm watching out for him as well. Dario Franchitti, I love his accent and the fact that he's married to Ashley Judd. Someone to look out for this year, De Silvestro. She is definitely a candidate for rookie racer of the year. She seems a lot stronger than Danica, so I would probably watch for her in qualifying at Indy. I'm thinking she has a pretty good chance. (I guarantee you I'm going to be made fun of for going off about Indy - I don't think people believe I actually LIKE it)

Anywho, that's about it. School is cruel, but almost over. Graduation is just around the corner. Can't wait to see my family. I'm gonna get a hair cut. Indy is coming up in May. Leroi is a booger. I'm proud of my boyfriend. And I love you. Have a good Monday!


  1. yay on graduating! I'm doing the same thing, walking a little early, but my family's excited to visit. It still feels really nice to almost be done, doesn't it? :)

  2. Cindy! I can't wait! It's definitely exciting. I feel like after 6 years of college, it's well deserved. Having family come visit is my favorite! When are you walking? Aren't you super stoked to know that you're pretty much done?

  3. I'm really excited :) The future's full of opportunities and uncertainty, it's definitely going to be an adventure :) good luck with getting all your things done before graduation!
