Sunday, July 25, 2010

J.Lo and Dale.

Super stoked. 

Dale is coming out in August for an entire week! 

Joanna is coming out in September for a long weekend!

Need I say more? No, not really, but I'm going to. 

I spend my free time thinking of wonderful things to do when they're here. There is so much to see/do... I don't know where to start off.

I know for sure that JJ and I are gonna go to the Denver Art Museum to see the King Tut exhibit. Saaaweet. I just think Ancient Egypt is totally interesting and inspiring. I wonder if we can bring our cameras in... prob not though. 

We're also going to be drinking beer. Lots of beer. Denver Beer Fest, here we freakin' come! We're gonna dominate. I hope.

And Boulder... we have to go to Boulder. Definitely on the list of things to do/see for JJ. She'll love it. It's such an awesome hippy college town. Super cute. And I love the pedestrian downtown. Fabulous.

What else is coming up in August/September? Oh, I'll be turning 24. 20-freaking-4. Where does the time go? Seriously.

That's pretty much all I wanted to say. I just really miss my friends. JJ and I got super close after high school. We called each other J.Lo. Get it? Joanna and Lo? Pretty easy. And I miss my Dale, too, obviously.

I've been realizing the past couple of years how difficult it is to find true friends. Yes, I meet people and develop "friendly-ships" (as I like to call them), but to find true friends, best friends, Sex and the City friends, wine friends, pig out friends, cry-on-shoulder friends... it's definitely hard to come across.

Anyway, I'm just really excited to see them and I just can't wait!

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