Monday, July 26, 2010

Siento nostalgia.

I don't even know if the blog title is PC in Spanish, but in English, I'm homesick.

Don't get me wrong, I love Colorado and am so happy I live here. But I sincerely miss my family and friends. Now that my Christmas flights are booked for home and Indiana, I'm realizing that ANY time I want to go home to visit, I have to plan it out. It's not just about requesting time off from work and getting in my car and driving 5 hours from AZ to CA. It's about requesting time off way in advance. It's about booking/coordinating flights. It's about figuring out what to do with Leroi. Is Andrew coming with me or not? If Andrew comes home with me, then we have to board Leroi because we can't fly him. Going home is now an expense that I have to budget for and it's far from spontaneous like it used to be. It's sad. Really sad.

Good news is that I'll be going home for Christmas... seems so far away, but I can already taste the Fall and Winter. I'm so excited for the holidays and hopefully Andrew and I will start to build our new holiday traditions together. We're talking about Thanksgiving, but working in the hotel industry makes it seem impossible to request holidays off and actually be guaranteed those dates. But we'll see.

Oh life.

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