Wednesday, August 18, 2010


It's been a while and I have LOTS to catch up on.

In the meantime, prior to pictures, adventures, stories and such things in soon-to-come posts, I would like to say that I am really gonna miss Dale. She is leaving Colorado today to go back to California and I have to wait a whole semester before she moves out here permanently.

No offense to the boys, but Andrew and Leroi sometimes just don't cut it when it comes to gossip, Sex and the City, HGTV, and wine. I miss my feminine interactions.... "estrogen love" as Becca and I like to call it. I didn't get to see Dale too much while she was here (family MUST come first), but for the time that we did have together, I really enjoyed and absolutely cherish. I had the BEST time and will miss her physical presence here in Colorado. The days seemed brighter with my FB here.

Ok, anyway, I will post later after work... until then, Au'revoir! (sp?)

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