Saturday, January 29, 2011


Well, I drove in my first REAL snow... you know, the kind that sticks to the ground and makes you slide and skid and have to drive really slow... Oh yeah. I did it. It took me 2 hours to get to work that morning, but oh well. I've learned that it's pretty to look at, but awful to drive in. Not my thing, really. We got 7" of snow in one night and because the temps were still freezing the following days, the snow was just frozen on the ground for like a week!

I took some pics with my phone.

Ok, so I enlarged the photo a bit so you could see the snow flakes. This was when the snow had just started... by the time it ended, the rocks in the creek bed were completed covered. 

This was on another snowy night... my car was covered at 6:15am. And by the way, it's not fun brushing off your car and scraping off ice for 15 minutes while your car is running to get it warm and defrosted. Yuck.

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