Friday, February 12, 2010

50th Wedding Anniversary Party

So... the event finally came and went too fast! It was a total success. The turnout of guests was astonishing and the love for my grandparents glowed among everyone's faces. The party was so much fun. The food was great, the decor was greater, and the musical entertainment, Mr. Ricky Sims, was awesome! There was so much dancing and laughter; it was a great time.

I must say, it's wonderful to see the end product of our hard work. It looked absolutely amazing. I was pretty proud, to say the least.

Memorable Moment of the party (although I wish I didn't remember it): Grammy and PopPop's TMI display. OMG. I wish I could say it's nice to know that "they still got it" though, right?

But in all seriousness, seeing the friends of my grandparents and the people they've touched is absolutely inspiring. All their years of giving and caring really paid off... the night was absolutely fabulous... people are still talking about it.

Happy 50 Years Graham Cracker and G-Pa. Your 50 years is an inspiration to us all!

Drew and I

The whole fam damily

The CCC with Grammy and PopPop

Grammy and PopPop with their beautiful daughters

Grammy and PopPop with their daughters and sons-in-law

Grammy and PopPop with their sons-in-law

The beautiful cake!

Probably the fave pic of Nicky, Avery and Mikey

Drew and Lyssy Poo

Lyss and Weston

Sia and Mike

Ari and Nicky

Avery and Mikey

The Mylonas Sandwich!

Mom and Dad lookin' HOT

Graham Cracker and G-Pa

Beautiful Aunt Mo and Uncle Mark

Lovely Aunt Shell and Uncle Georgey

Wonderful Aunt Moni and Uncle Larry

Drew and I

Grammy and PopPop's "first" dance

Paulette and Mom gettin' crazy (makes you wonder what they were like as teens)!

Paulette and Mom... BFFL

Lyss and Wes dancin'... Wes really likes it.

Big Nick... or shall I say... Slick Nick

Farge cuttin' the rug!

Aunt Mo: "Is that an air guitar I see with my little nugget?"

Our wonderful music entertainer, Ricky Sims

Cousins gettin' funky... apparently really funky.

Cuttin' their first wedding cake together!

(unknown caption due to lack of words)

Uncle Larry, Mikey and Aunt Moni introducing the visual presentations

Mama RiRi and Farge admiring the presentation

Grammy and PopPop lovin' the presentation

1 comment:

  1. Great pics Lauren.......A Night To Remember!!! Fred.
