Sunday, February 28, 2010

Just some stuff.

As Mom has so kindly reminded me, my blog was in need of an update. I have yet to post pictures from Mammoth, but my work comp sucks and has a virus on it that makes it move like a snail. Hmm... what to talk about? How about some stuff?

I'm only a few weeks away from my last spring break in school. Cool, huh? But I'm coming to the realization that school is almost over with. Spring is going by really fast and summer is just around the corner it seems. Awesome. :) I can't wait to be done. Not gonna lie, I'm kinda nervous about it.

What's going to happen after graduation? Where am I gonna move to? How many more friends will I lose touch with? How many new friends will I meet? Wait, what about work? Will I find a job? Will I even still have one?

The Mondrian situation isn't really stressing me out anymore... well isn't stressing me out as much, I should say. I'm just hanging on with my fingertips. I either get laid off and claim unemployment, or I continue to keep my wonderfully flexible job. The auction is in like 11 days or something like that. I hope someone buys it and renovates it and makes it fabulous because it has so much potential... with a great location. I dunno... the spa business isn't "boomin'" even though the hotel seems pretty busy. We have had a lot of sales/catering groups come in lately so I have seen a lot of wandering hotel guests, but no one seems to wander to the spa.

I recently met with my friend, Becca for lunch at the Montelucia. She was having a spa day to herself which was fabulous. I would have loved to have joined the spa day, but receiving a massage can hinder my progress with all the sickness I've been dealing with (I still have a lethal cough that gives me headaches - not to mention I ran out of codeine - sad). Anyway, she gave me a tour of the spa and OMG. I have never been to a "SPA spa." I've been to boutique ones, like agua @ Mondrian where there are only treatment rooms and some retail product for you to browse through. But this place, holy cow. They had a relaxation room with candles and beds and sofas and loungers and aromatherapy scents. They had crazy ass bathrooms and showers that came complete with complimentary shaving cream, razors, shampoo and conditioner. It had its own outdoor, second floor pool with its own restaurant. The waiting room was decked with sofas and loungers that bordered the wall that eventually led to water and iced tea pitchers, complete with lemons, sweeteners, etc etc etc. I mean... Wow. There was an entire wing dedicated to Joya Spa. They even had their own clothing boutique and a gorgeous spiral case... all totally Moroccan themed. Now I totally get why agua doesn't do well. I mean, I totall understand. Yes, we have wonderful treatments and wonderful therapists. But WOW. We're not really a spa.

Anyway, sorry for the spa rant. It was just magnificent and made me wanna sneak in and make it home. Definitely wouldn't mind living there.

What was I talking about before? Oh yeah... life's uncertainties. Well, what I'm certain of is that I am sooo excited to get the hell out of school. I have had enough. It's been a long run, folks. Too long. And I am certain that I have some amazing friends, although they all pretty much live in California. And I'm certain I have an amazing, supportive, loving family. And boyfriend. And boyfriend's family. So maybe I shouldn't freak out about the uncertainty of the future because I have so many "certains." Hmm... but still...

To curtail homework, responsibilities and boredom, I have been dreaming up floor plans, furniture layouts, landscapes, home accessories and such. I know, I'm just cool like that. I've been practicing my drawing. Not that I need to... just because I like it. I've also been researching things for the graduation party for Lyss and I. Mom and I decided to do some florals since we had such fun and success with the anniversary party. Too bad the colors maroon and gold are terrible. I think we've decided on spring-y flowers... daisies. Gerbera daisies come in a goldish yellow and burgundy maroon. So we might just have to, even though I would love to use my favorite flower... ranunculus... sigh.

May is coming up soooo soon and I cannot wait for family to get here!!! Wooo!!!

Some other random stuff that's going on... I'm going on a diet. Nutrisystem, people. Did it before for a little bit and lost some poundage, so I'm doing it again. I gotta' train the ol' stomach to eat smaller portions, man. Once I kick the cough, I'm going back to bootcamp, which I would still be doing if I hadn't gotten so sick... twice... for long periods of time. I'm excited. I need to look good. And feel good. And gain some confidence back cuz I basically have none in regards to self image right now. And I have already decided that after I lose the weight I wanna lose, I'm buying myself an expensive pair of jeans and getting them tailored since the length is always too long. I mean, I need a reward for accomplishing my goal, right? I haven't bought a pair of jeans in ages. Why? Umm, because I hate the way they fit and feel and I hate spending money on myself.

Along with new jeans and weightloss, I'm gonna do something to my hair. Nothing drastic because every time I do something drastic, I hate it and cry. But we'll see. I think I wanna go lighter. Like a Maria Menounos blond, but not blond. Light brown would be appropriate. Only problem is, once you go light, you have to keep up the root-work and my hair grows fast and dark, so I may not wanna put myself up for that kind of maintenance. I will probably go to one length too. Or try to at least. My bangs and layers are still kinda short, so we'll see. Any votes? Suggestions? Comments? Those would be appreciated.

In other news, I have decided that I want a new camera. Problem: it's expensive. But I really want to work on my photography. Take some awesome pics of Leroi and Drew and trees and stuff. I used to love that kind of stuff when I took my photography class in high school. Besides, it would be good to add in my up and coming portfolio. Oh well. I'm saving up my money, mostly for school and to pay rent/utilities and other such bills in the event that I'm jobless. But I mean, maybe along with my expensive jeans and new hair, a new camera would be in order? But I'm getting ahead of myself. Obviously with weightloss, I'm gonna need more than expensive jeans. I'm gonna need a whole new fitted wardrobe, which I'm not hating the idea of. I don't think I've had appropriately fitted clothing since freshmen year of high school. I'm just so awkward. :)

Anywho, that's about it for now. I'm at work, it's slow, it's raining, the Olympics are on today... specifically hockey... USA vs. Canada for the gold. In which I'm totally torn cuz like... all of the Ducks team is on Canada while two Ducks are on USA. Oh, and just for kicks, congrats to Teemu Selanne for gettin' bronze. Way to go Finland.

Until next time, keep it classy.

1 comment:

  1. You got it going on girlfriend! Great to hear your self confidence is building. I think a light hair color will be great with a shorter layered haircut. Congrats, you have almost finished your college experience!!
