Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Aye Caramba.

I have to keep reminding myself that school is almost finished and done with. Just a few more months of this sh** and I am free. The fact that I am on spring break for school and I feel like it's a monkey on my back, although I have NOTHING due this week, is absolutely disgusting to me. I just want to be done so I never have to worry about a homework due date ever again. I remember talking about possibly going to grad school. Scratch that. I want to put my talents to work and find a job that I love. No more having to listen to professors say weird words incorrectly. I have a professor who says the word status as STATE-US. It drives me NUTS. I have another professor who has referred himself to God and his students his followers. 

And I want to get out of Arizona. I hope I do. Along with NEEDING school to be done and gone, the plans for my future are creeping up. Fast. Like... really fast. I'm excited to get movin' on stuff, but I'm scared about all of these uncertainties. Mom and I have had a couple conversations about my future and I just can't answer any of them. It's not because I don't want to answer them, it's because I simply just don't know what the hell is gonna happen. I'm graduating in an economy that promises nothing but trials and tribulations, I live in Arizona and am an Arizona resident, but I dislike it mucho, I have virtually no friends out here and I'm miserable in the fact that I feel like I'm hindered with nonsense.

My BFFL Dale just found out that her family will most likely be relocating to Denver. Jealous, am I? Jealous, I am. (Random Yoda?) Anddddd Dale and I have talked about moving to Denver for a while. And how awesome would it be for my BFFL and I to live in the same area? Not in two different states anymore? Thennnnn we can watch all of the Sex and the City episodes we want, eat B&C's and drink our vino together instead of having to rely on Skype to see each other's faces. That would be a dream!

Of course, I would love to move to Denver. But I have to remember that I have a little one. Leroi Brown. He's kind of important, don't you think? Soooo basically, this post is about nothing. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day. Didn't even know it until a few minutes ago. 

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