Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Denver Tourist

Obviously I'm new to the Denver area. Yes, I've visited before, but that doesn't count. I want to TRULY experience where I live, something I don't thnk I did very well in Arizona. I've been "borrowing" brochures/magazines from work's nonexistant concierge desk to check out the local dining, bars, adventures, scenery, museums, etc.

I gotta' tell you somethin'... you have to come visit us! There is SOOO much to do here, it's ridiculous! Joanna is hopefully coming to visit in September. We're pretty much planning beer tours. Anddddd Denver Beer Fest takes place in September!! Sweeeeeet!!!

Andrew and I walked around Red Rocks Ampitheater yesterday evening. It's just freakin' gorgeous. I am SO happy and SO lucky to live here. It's such phenomenal scenery everywhere you go.

I especially love all the old, vintage, Victorian buildings here. Denver was big during the Colorado Gold Rush. Molly Brown is a historic figure - her house is preserved and is available for tours and stuff. In case you don't know who Molly is, she struck gold and became uber rich. On top of that, you will probably most recognize her as a survivor of the Titanic. And yes, her "role" was played by Kathy Bates in the movie. Anyway, her house is here. And there are crazy museums and outdoor activities and parks and shopping and just EVERYTHING.

I can't wait to get out there and explore some more!! Woooo!!! ♥

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