Saturday, June 5, 2010

I should start with the most recent news...

I got a job in Denver at the Sheraton Denver Tech Center! My last day at Hotel Theodore is June 12th, I move into the apartment on June 13th, and I start work June 14th!

I can't believe it. I'm still shocked. I mean, lets be honest. I'm an awesome worker and any company would love to have me, but I was the exception to the Sheraton.

I originally applied for a different position at this hotel - I posted about this earlier. I didn't get that job because they transferred someone internally, which even I would recommend doing, so I figured I would just keep truckin' and apply to more jobs. The interesting thing is that I actually phone interviewed for that job and totally nailed the interview... so when I found out I didn't get the job, I thought I had actually bombed the interview. Anyway, long story short, the HR department called me a few days later telling me they now have a full-time position available with the Front Office and wanted to know if I was interested because they thought I would be the perfect candidate for it. I, of course, said "absolutely" and thanked her for her consideration and for keeping me in mind... turns out I did really well in the interview. Since I had already had my "first" interview with them, the Front Office manager called me to schedule another interview. I had told them that I would be more than willing to fly out for an in-person interview. Considering this is the hospitality industry and that this new position is for Front Office, employees like me get a lot of guest-facing experience, so my appearance and demeanor absolutely counts. Instead, they decided I could do another phone interview with them because they were that confident in me. 10 Minutes after my interview, I got a call back saying they would like to proceed with my reference and background checks. The following day (yesterday), I got offered the position!!! They have never hired anyone solely on phone interviews before, so I am quite the exception. And to be honest, this position was never posted on their career website, so I'm thinking they figured I was valuable enough to just get me in to begin with. They also told me that they prefer to do internal transfers from department to department and to different locations and that it actually happens quite frequently. At this point, this job is a great stepping stone to get to where I truly want to be.

I am so excited and so proud of myself for putting myself out there in Denver. I am pursuing my dreams and this is just the first step. My parents are very proud of me and I think they realize how big of deal this is. They've never moved out of state before (well, Mom did when she was like 4 or something) so I think they admire my drive to do this. And... Andrew and Leroi are driving out there to move into the apartment today! Andrew got a job at a country club so he can get himself out there. He is still in the running for a few city planner positions he had applied for a few months back, and now we're both at an advantage because we're "local" now. This is just awesome!

1 comment:

  1. We are very proud of you. This is awesome!! Congratulations...we love you.
