Saturday, June 19, 2010

We Graduated!!!

First off, I would like to apologize for another long absence. Moving and starting a new job seems to have taken all of my time. Because Marisa got mad at me and continued to "remind" me to update my blog, I obviously have to.

Ok, so this post is about graduation. There will be MANY more to follow!

So yes, Lyss and I graduated!! It was the most amazing weekend! Family came out to visit... for shout out purposes: Grammy, PopPop, Nana, Aunt Shell, Uncle George, Aunt Karen, Uncle Rich, Aunt Moni, Mikey, Aunt Mo, Uncle Mark, and Avery. We also had the Moore family and Tim and Kathe come for a fun BBQ at the hotel. I am so lucky and so blessed to have such a wonderful family who is always there to love and support me.

Here are some pics from graduation, courtesy of Uncle Rich and Aunt Karen. I was stupid and didn't take any pictures on my camera... couldn't tell you why. I did, however, take pics of the invitations I made... and the announcements I made for Andrew. :)


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