So I get to this interview and walk in 4 minutes early and this guy jumps out from behind a wall and scares the crap outta' me. He invited me into his office, asked me to sit down, and then slid a piece of paper across his desk my way and said "please fill out as necessary." It was sheet of paper, printed landscape style, that said "Print Name: __________________________" and underneath "Sign Name: _______________________." So I printed and I signed and slid the paper back across the desk. This is where it gets REALLY weird.
"So a client has an open bar tab of $100. He would like to close that tab. Sales tax is 8.75%. How much will you charge his credit card without gratuity?"
Now, I'm not the best at math. I can't run numbers in my head. If I can't have a calculator, I need a piece of paper and pencil so I can see the math problem and work it out. I'm a creative, social person. Not a math and science wiz. Anyway, I confirmed "Am I allowed a calculator or piece of paper to assist me?" His response, "no." So I answered the problem because it was easy, but the other ones weren't. He asked me the total for a $129 tab with 21% gratuity and 8.75% sales tax. So before I knew it, I was spitting out numbers like a stock broker. All incorrect, I'm sure. So after 15 minutes of being questioned mathematic equations, which may I say, has NOTHING to do with the position of event coordinator, he said "Ok, I have one final question for you." And I said, "wonderful." When the all-mighty stumping question of all stumping questions came out.
"Why is a man-hole round?"
I cocked my head just like a dog would when they're confused. And I said, "Do you prefer I let you answer that or should I guess?" He said "just take a stab at it." My response? "Because it has no corners."
He so intelligently let me know that Microsoft asks these types of questions in their interviews. What I wanted to say was "I'm sorry, I applied for an event coordinator position with a charter yacht company, not for Microsoft." But I didn't, sadly. He asked me if I have any questions for him. I asked him the basic questions like "what makes your company stand out compared to your competitors?" His answer: "because we're the best." So I said, "ok then."
I wanted to ask him, how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? But I didn't do that either, sadly.
Anyway, it was the WORST interview I've ever been on. And I think I'm pretty good interviewer. But NEVER have I been through an interview like that. Not even for a minimum wage paying job. Like... really? Really pal?
And he was SOOOOO douchey. Super egotistical and ALL about himself.
That's my interview story. I hope you enjoyed.
Love and hugs,
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